23rd National Prayer Gathering
October 4, 5, &6 2024
Orlando Florida
“But this command I gave them 'Obey my voice and I will be Your God and you shall be my people” - Jeremiah 7:23
Washington (Seattle):
Bro Jonald Alejandro (425) 213-2407 jalejandro@gmail.com
California (Norhtern):
Bro Lawrence Valdez (415) 378-2984
California (Southern):
Bro Jay & Emy Antonio (562) 739-0389
Nevada (Las Vegas):
Sis Marie Camara (702) 883-1051 camara_nv@yahoo.com
Illinois (Chicago):
Sis Mabel Martirez (630) 965-6703 tmmartirez@comcast.net
Texas (North/CENTRAL):
Sis Lauren Sonza (951) 218-1370
New Jersey:
Sis Josie Catuncan (201) 920-9473 joalcat@comcast.net
Sis Susan Federico (216) 312-3978 Smfederico78@gmail.com
Sis Leila Castillo (571) 236-7744 castillo.leila.c@gmail.com
Bro Ray Carlos (571) 288-1930
Florida (Central/NORTH):
Bro Gerry De Dios (407) 227-7713
Bro Glenn Gamallo (321) 947-2080
If you want to register, please contact
Bro Gerry De Dios or Bro Glenn Gamallo
Registration due date is September 15, 2024
NPG T-Shirt Ordering Deadline is August 30, 2024
Transportation will ONLY be provided if you are arriving and departing via Orlando International Airport (MCO) on Friday, Saturday and Sunday.
Transportation from Hotel to Venue and Back is available if booked at the Hotels listed below.​
Due to Orlando Diocese Regulation, Kid's watch will ONLY be for children 6 to 12 years old.​
Toddler play area is available for children below 6 years old and must be accompanied by their parents.
Fill out the required information. Email, Phone Number, and Address are mandatory information.
ID's will be printed, we ask that the forms are filled-up per family or individual basis. For family registrations, please make sure to indicate the names of the youths and children.
Cancelation: On or before 8/15/2024 100% Refund. On or before 9/15/2024 50% Refund. After 9/15/2024 Thank you for your donation.​
To Pay your registration via Zelle:
Zelle Account: jmjgabe7@gmail.com​
Please add "NPG Registration and your name" in the comment section.
To Pay your registration by Check:
Make Check Payable to FCJC Central Florida​
Mail Check to: Gail Gamallo (12821 Spurrier Lane, Orlandon FL 32824)
Registration FEES ON or BEFORE 8/15/2024:
For adults: $125.00 per adult
For Youth Ages (13-18): $60.00
For Child Ages (6-12): $30.00
Children Under 6 years old: FREE.
Registration FEES BY AFTEr 8/15/2024:
For adults: $135.00 per adult
For Youth Ages (13-18): $70.00
For Child Ages (6-12): $40.00
Children Under 6 years old: FREE.
Recommended Airport:
Orlando International Airport (MCO)
(Transport accommodation from this Airport ONLY)
5125 South Apopka Vineland Road, Orlando, FL 32819
Hotel Information:
(Click on the Hotel Name for more info)
(Transport accommodation from these Hotels ONLY)
1. Comfort Inn & Suites (5.1 miles to Venue)
2. Hampton Inn by Hilton Orlando Convention (5 miles to Venue)
3. Residence Inn Orland Convention Center (5 miles to Venue)
4. Springhill Suites Orlando Convention Center (5 miles to Venue)